Moms are the human Google.  Whenever anyone needs anything they go straight to mom.  It goes something like this: “Mom . . . where are my shoes? What should I wear? What is the weather like? What is for dinner? When are we leaving? How do I do this? Can you fix this? Who is on the phone? What time is practice? Did you wash my shorts? How do I get there? When is dad coming home?  And the quest for answers goes on and on.

I am at everyone’s beck and call.  I am supposed to have all the answers.  I am the one who has to make it happen for everyone else.  I follow my husband’s passion of coaching basketball to all the ends of the country.  I support my kids’ passions by sitting through hours of horse lessons, dance recitals, basketball practices, soccer practices, football practices, games and fund raisers.  Seems like all I do is help others follow their passions.  Encourage others to follow their dreams.  What about my dreams?  I used to ask myself that question a lot?  Did I give up my career to follow my husband’s?  Is there really anything else out there that I would really rather be doing than what I do now?  No.  I am a mom and it is my passion.  I advocate for my husband and children so they can be the best they can be and find their passion in life.  Even though it is very, very low paying job and sometimes a thankless job I can’t think of any other job that I would rather be doing.  I did not come to this realization until I started writing this book.  I think there is this perception (and I am guilty of it too) that since motherhood is not taught as a formal education and there is no monetary value placed to it then it could not possibly be classified as a dream job.  It could not possibly be anyone’s passion.  I have to admit that I too, have complained about all the frustrations that encompass motherhood.  But, I have found that the joys most certainly outweigh any of the burdensome parts.  As a mom, I have an integral part in the transformation of a helpless, totally dependent newborn into a free-thinking independent being that could someday change the world.  It is an incredible feeling knowing your influence can determine what path your children take in life and how they handle adversity.  Plus, the perks are nice too.   It is nice to wake up every morning and not have to be somewhere at a specific time.  There is no time clock to punch.  No uniform to put on.  No one to answer to.  You can do your laundry, run errands, grocery shop, clean your house, and even take an occasional nap while on the job.  You don’t have to ask for time off for holidays, vacations or illness.

Motherhood is the most important job in the world and I have been privileged to have been chosen (like my kids had a choice).  I was also lucky that I had the where with all to wait until I had an education, financial stability and marriage before I had children which provided me the opportunity to stay at home with my children and focus on the family.  It is hard enough to raise children when you are married, financially set, and educated so I can’t imagine how difficult it would be with any of those components missing.  It was worth the wait.

Party planner . . . again what is up with the overalls?

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